GreenStar Food Co+op

Located at Dewitt Mall, 215 N. Cayuga St., Ithaca

Maelle Tholome: Recent Works

Small works and photographs!

Some prefer solitude in the face of beauty as certain landscapes leave no room for anything other than quiet admiration. In fact, being alone as the smallest unit of society, makes the vastness seem ever more vast and the grandeur ever more grand. The minutiae of previous worries cannot compete. Some even leave the ground behind, hoping to immerse themselves deeper into the beauty. Often, Earth’s natural beauty defies description, so solitude becomes a way to simply experience it, rather than attempting to put it into words. Why does society tend to demonize solitude? When we think of solitude we often feel a sense of pity. However, in many instances, solitude is chosen in the presence of greatness. I have therefore captured moments where humans are alone, but perhaps not lonely. Is solitude inherently negative?

I am a French and Swiss photographer who like many, has grown fond of the impressive sights these countries offer. While constantly experimenting with different muses, I am inevitably drawn back to the beauty of Earth’s landscapes. As someone who enjoys the stillness and solitude of these awe-inspiring locations, I hold these photos close to my heart and hope they touch yours too.

GreenStar Food Co+op

Located at 770 Cascadilla St., Ithaca

Autumn Springston: Recent Works

Autumn Springston’s recent works at the GreenStar Food Co+op at 770 Cascadilla Street location.

13 year old artist Autumn Springston presenting her art works at the Cascadilla location gallery.


The Mink Gallery


Well Said Media